Donate, or pay for membership renewal

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) offer treatment options you may not be able to find elsewhere. Ask a Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc) if AOM can help you.

With your support we are working to:

  • Educate our communities about acupuncture for opioid-free pain relief
  • Provide doctors with research to make informed acupuncture referrals
  • Provide continuing education opportunities for Licensed Acupuncturists
  • Help Kansans understand how to improve health with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

If access to AOM services are, or ever may be, important to you, please consider a donation to help KsAOM with public education about quality acupuncture and Oriental medicine for Kansans. 
Thank you!


Membership dues are $179 if paid online ($175 + $4 credit card fee) and

please return membership form from 'Contact Us' page by email or mail.

Thank you!

KsAOM is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation.